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Deaf Services


Interpreters are provided for enrolled students who use American Sign Language or Cued American English to access the educational environment. Interpreters are provided for semester length classes, conferences, meetings with professors, and other activities that require student participation. Requests for interpreters must be made as far in advance as possible to ensure availability for an event.

To expedite student request, please submit the following online form.

Interpreter Request Form

Interpreting services for other campus activities and non student requests are paid by the department offering the program or activity. The cost for services range from $60 - $90/hour depending on the event, required interpreter service and the use of university interpreters or outside agency interpreter services.

To request ASL or Cued American English interpreters, please submit the following online form.

Interpreter Request Form

Real-Time Captioning

Real-time captioning is a computer assisted note taking which provides a "live" printout of the lecture. This service is provided to Deaf/Hard of Hearing students who do not access the educational environment via manual communication methods (American Sign Language, Conceptually Accurate Signed English, Cued American English, etc.) or in classes that are highly technical.

Visitors on Campus

The U of U provides interpreters, real-time captioning and assistive listening devices for deaf and hard-of-hearing visitors on campus attending U of U sponsored activities. A fee is charged for accommodations for activities not sponsored by the U of U but being held on campus.

Interpreter Internship Application

The University of Utah is not currently offering ASL Interpreting internships

Check this webpage for updates and future offerings.

For additional questions, please contact us by email.


Last Updated: 1/15/25