Center for Disability & Access - Online Portal
Reminder, CDA cannot proctor same day or next day exams.
Faculty must submit exam dates through the Faculty portal as soon as possible after receiving accommodation notifications so that CDA can reserve proctoring locations.
The actual exams do not need to be submitted until two days prior to the exam date.
Students, please request your accommodation memos at the start of each semester. Remember, accommodations are not retroactive and it may take up to two business days after making your request, for accommodation notifications to be sent to your professors.
Regarding exams, once your memos have been sent, please schedule ALL of your exams and quizzes for the current semester through CDA as soon as possible. Due to space limitations, exams must be scheduled in advance and CDA cannot schedule same day exams.
CDA provides courtesy reminder calls to help you with exam scheduling, but it is your responsibility to schedule your exams for the semester. Additionally, any exams being scheduled for the next business day must be scheduled no later than 12 PM Noon (Mountain Time) the previous business day.
Additionally, please review the Exam Accommodations Student Policies section of our website.
Other Questions about exam scheduling? Please contact the CDA office at 801-581-5020 for assistance.
Students must login to request accommodations, upload documentation, and schedule exams.
For detailed instructions and video tutorials please visit our ClockWork Information Page. If you have any questions or issues accessing the portal, contact us at 801-581-5020.
Faculty, if you would like CDA to proctor your students' exams, please make sure to add all quiz and exam dates for your course(s) when you complete the accommodation form located on the CDA Faculty Portal.
CDA does not have a designated testing center and needs this information as early in the semester as possible to procure enough testing space for the entire semester. CDA is not able to provide accommodations for same day exams.
Exams should be provided to CDA by Noon the business day prior to the exam in order to facilitate the process of exam proctoring. Thank you for your support.
Other Questions about exam scheduling? Please contact the CDA office at 801-581-5020 for assistance.
Additionally, please review the Exam Accommodations Information and Policies section of our website.
Faculty should login to view accommodations for students in your courses and manage your accommodated exams.
For detailed instructions and video tutorials please visit our ClockWork Information Page. If you have any questions or issues accessing the portal, contact us at 801-581-5020.